Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

Commercial Free Site

No Pleas For Money


                                      In The 21st Century

(Part 1)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"

                                                                                       -Hosea 4:6

     Welcome to Politics, Religion and the New World Order (hereafter P&R), a defense of New Testament Christianity, "contending for the faith once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3), and sounding the alarm against those in high places who use Christianity for their own ends. As Ephesians 5:11 warns us: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

     P&R seeks also:

     1. To strengthen the church, applying sound apologetics, "... always ready to give a defense to everyone who asks" (1 Peter 3:21).

     2. To warn the church, "Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers" (II Cor. 6:14), especially religious and political con-artists—from  the left and right—who have duped many believers into New World Order (NWO) schemes through corrupt politics, secret  societies and "churches of their choice." The Globalists have stated that they will not hesitate to use religion to bring about world government. The American Institute of Judaism, for instance, asserted in 1942: "The spiritual teachings of religion must become the foundation for the new world order and that national sovereignty must be subordinate to the higher moral law of God" (The New York Times).1

     3. To win the lost, showing that Jesus Christ is man’s only hope, "In none other is there salvation; for neither is there any other name under heaven given among men wherein we must be saved"  (Acts 4:12).

                                                                                   We hope also to avert what future generations may think of "Christian America if

                                                                          current trends continue. For example, few in the church realize that our politicians—

                                                                          and the bankers who own them—have shackled our posterity with trillions of dollars

                                                                          of crushing, unpayable debt. Preachers tell us our prosperity (a byproduct of that

                                                                          debt) is a result of 'God’s blessing' and 'America's goodness.' This good life, however,

                                                                          is nothing but sleight-of-hand trickery: the Fed printing mountains of money out of thin

                                                                          air, thrusting it into circulation and demanding repayment with interest by future


                                                                               Our national debt now exceeds over $30 trillion (2022) and can hardly ever be

repaid. (30 trillion seconds equal 1,000,000 years.) What will our grandchildren think of "Christian America" once they've found out what we’ve done to them? Thomas Jefferson, a deist and freemason, understood this thievery better than most Christians: "The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity… is but swindling futurity on a large scale." 2 Our national debt means little to the church. As long as our politicians keep us fat and happy with our grandchildren's money we will do nothing.                 

     Aside from our national debt, nearly 3,000 unborn babiesdeclared ‘non-persons’ by the US Supreme Courtare torn limb-from-limb every day, usually with both parents' consent. (The ancient pagans never came close to these numbers.) Yet, this same Court has ruled that US corporations ARE persons, "not to be deprived of their constitutional rights." 3 No wonder the world laughs at us.

     One can hardly blame the liberals and skeptics as they rant and rave against what they falsely perceive to be Biblical Christianity. The Religious Right, once regarded as the vanguard of respectable religion, is now as corrupt and hypocritical as the Religious Left. A prime example of this occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic when socialist bailouts were given to capitalist churches, many of which condemned socialism regularly from their pulpits. These handouts were even promoted by religious periodicals like the Christian Standard.  source  How interesting that only 501c3 churches (95% of all American churches) were given bailout money; the rest were left to fend for themselves. Why? Because 501c3 churches are corporate, state-sanctioned churches, i.e., "religious establishments," or, as Black’s Law Dictionary defines it, “legal entities created by, or under the authority of, the laws of a state,” State churches, of course, are violations not only of the US Constitution (e.g., the 1st Amendment), but the Bible itself (Matt. 16:18). Nevertheless, 501c3 churches are quite popular in America, especially with politicians (in particular, Republicans).

     Other church/state operations have involved US Intelligence, for example,

          1.  American & Latin American Catholic Churches And Protestant Missionaries


          2.  American Protestant And Evangelical Churches


          3.  Unitarians, Quakers & Liberal Protestants


          4.  Mormon Churches   


          5.  Pagan Sects


   (Side note: The Chinese Falun Gong and the Tibetan Deli Lama have colluded with US Intelligence, the media and deep-pocketed donors for decades, reaping huge rewards.4 Falun Gong's principal media outlet in the US, for example, is the right-wing 'Epoch Times,' and was kept afloat from 2012-2016 by billionaire right-wing benefactor Robert Mercer. source source  There’s often big money in religion, especially when its hitched to billionaires and the US government.)

          Another church/state modus operandi was exposed in the 1970s, a small renegade band of Philadelphia Quakers (separate from main-line Quakers who abhorred them) secretly colluding with Britain’s oldest international drug-running family, the Japhets. Though they were not directly conspiring with the British government per se, the Japhets did collude with certain British-Israeli banking and pharmaceutical interests linked to London. With these connections they were able to procure nearly two-thirds of the entire amphetamine packaging business in the US. Also colluding with this Pharma-banking combine were a number of ominous charitable foundations, elements within the homosexual movement and the secretive, powerful Knights of Malta (the Catholic equivalent of Protestant Freemasons). All of them were connected to the CIA. (DOPE, INC., New Benjamin Company, New York; p. 344ff.)

     Church/state collusion is nothing new, it's been around for thousands of years. From the ancient king-priest alliances to today's government-clergy partnerships, it has never ceased. As King Solomon wisely reminds us:

“That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new

under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, 'Look! This is something new?' It was here already, long ago..."

- Ecclesiastes 1:9-10


     Church & state collaborating advanced considerably during the Reagan Administration, in particular, the Religious Right's clarion call to "Take Back America for Christ." As novel as it sounds, there's no New Testament warrant for such a thing, and there are plenty of reasons to reject it.

     A brief example from history will clinch our point: During the 16th Century Reformation, the Protestants liberated much of Europe from Catholic tyranny. This, of course, gave people religious freedom and an open Bible, things unheard of at the time. Yet, no genuine Christian nation ever arose from it (and there were certainly none before). The reason, according to historian Durant, was that many Protestant leaders colluded with kings and princes as popes had done for hundreds of years, and became as corrupt as the Catholics.5 For instance, anabaptist Jan van Leiden (a former bar-keeper), was hailed as Munster’s "King of Righteousness" as he was converting the city into a millenarian theocracy. Hot-tempered against all opposition, his own wife (one of sixteen, not counting the Queen) could not escape his holy wrath; the poor woman was beheaded in public for disobedience. Van Leiden’s word, you see, like the Pope's, was equal to God’s Word.6 What guarantees are there that today’s religious windbags, if given the chance, would not do the same?  

     Some point to Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation who’s God is the LORD,” as justification for Christian nation-building. But this is

incorrect. The words immediately following: “the people he chose for his inheritance,” is a reference to Old Testament Israel (cf. 1 Kings 8:53), and cannot possibly refer to any modern-day theocracy. The New Testament is silent regarding Christian nationalism, other than the church,7 which I Peter alludes to as "a holy nation" (2:9).

     Therefore, if we cherish our freedom and liberty, and those of our children and grandchildren, we must always make sure our "Wall of Separation" between church and state is securely in place. God and country is the ideal, never church and state.  

     Much of our material (as you've probably already guessed) will be rejected by the

church. To some extent we understand and empathize; patriotism is a powerful force in

American churches. However, we must never be so patriotic that we become dupes and

suckers for politicians using our patriotism for their own unethical ends. Besides, patriotism

should convey devotion to that which made our country great, the Constitution, not to any

political party or corrupt faction.

     Being patriotic then is to question, scrutinize and perhaps resist at times, not mindlessly

accept and submit. The oft-used phrase, "My country, right or wrong!" is muddle-headed and

very unpatriotic.

     We at P&R will stand with our countrymen in being good citizens, as the Bible teaches,8

and we'll pray regularly for our government,9 for governments are ordained of God.10 But

understand this: Our duty is to God first, then Caesar (but only if Caesar behaves himself).11


     Soon after the turn of the millennium, American soldiers were fighting and dying in Middle Eastern wars for more than two decades, largely for the benefit of big business, big banking and Israel. The Afghan War in particular was the longest in US history, ending in Aug. 2021. These conflicts were as unjust and immoral as they were illegal; we were fighting al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, and financing and arming them in Libya and Syria.12 Should the “church of the Living God"... the “pillar and ground of truth” (I Tim. 3:15), be in support of such things? "NO!" shouted the church during the Obama Administration. But when President Bush and the Republicans did it,13 they said "Yes!" (Perhaps you're getting the picture.)

                                                                         Though wars and military skirmishes have been continuous throughout history, mainly for

                                                                    wealth, land and fame, wars today are are fought for the NWO (although wealth is still a big

                                                                    factor). Pulitzer Prize winner Arthur Schlesinger Jr. clearly articulated this view in the

                                                                    July/August 1993 issue of Foreign Affairs, the flagship publication of the Council on Foreign

                                                                    Relations, the Anglo-American NWO think tank:

                                                                             "In defense of the world order, US soldiers would have to kill and die... We are

                                                                        not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood, as well as in

                                                                                                                           words and money."

                                                                                       (Notice how he refers to other people's blood but not his own.)

     Schlesinger's words acknowledge the fact that the enormous cost of US blood and treasure in our foreign wars have had nothing to do with freedom and liberty⏤but their destruction. Freedom and liberty are antithetical to the NMO.

     Relevant point: Today (since 2018) there are seven nations that do not have a Rothschild controlled Central Bank (American Free Press; Nov. 21, 2011, p. 2): Abkhazia, Bolivia, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and Syria.   Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Russia, all enemies of Western capitalism.  source  Will these six countries be the last to fall in line with the demands of London and Wall Street? The big question is this: If the NWO is operating in the best interests of humanity, why is it forced (most recently in the Middle East) with guns, tanks and missiles?  

     To put this in perspective, the War On Terror was built on four layers of subterfuge: 1) a well-oiled 2-Party system, 2) a corrupt, compliant press, 3) controlled talk-radio [today mostly right-wing], and 4) pre-arranged elections (but not the way you might think).

     You may recall, for instance, the outrage against President Bush and his illegal Middle-Eastern wars and bailouts during the run-up to the 2008 election. That anger, we now know, guaranteed a Democrat victory. Yet, when Obama took over the reigns as President he continued those same wars and bailouts,14 and they continued under President Trump. source  Unsurprisingly, Trump gifted 10 times as much money to Republican counties as Democrat counties, right before the election. And, as you might expect, the top 1% got one-fourth of all aid. source source

     Still not convinced? Then why did the Republicans, every time Obama asked for more war and bail-out money, shout back: "Yes We Can!"?

     American elections are like horse races. If all the horses (the candidates) have the same owners (NWO oligarchs), the owners will win every time. The duped public, some cheering for Republicans and others for Democrats, and told by politicians and preachers it’s their duty to vote—but only for 2-Party candidates—end up suckered every time.  

*  *  *

     The rise of the New Atheists (a tool of the NWO) is a result of the Christian Nationalism movement and religious corruption in high places. The views of the New Atheists, which are garnering support in our midst, can be summarized by the titles of their best-selling books: 1) The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins; 2) God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, by [the late] Christopher Hitchens; and 3) The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason, by Sam Harris. "What the New Atheists share,” reports CNN, “is a belief that religion should not simply be tolerated, but countered, criticized and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises." 15 This they are doing and doing well.

     In many public debates, the New Atheists seem to be winning. One of their favorite tactics is to divert attention from apologetic issues and then focus on the corruption of top mega-church and televangelist chieftains. Because of their various ecumenical and denominational entanglements, the evangelical debaters end up hamstrung by their own dogmas & institutions, and because they dare not tell the truth—that much of American Christianity is corrupt to the core—the debate is thrown to the atheists.

     In no other nation is this more evident than in the United States. Teddy bear religion is the new faith and prosperity the new creed. Together they amount to little more than temple idolatry and "best life now" whore-housing.

     A few examples from Wikipedia will prove our point:

Oral Roberts -- In 1977, TV cleric Oral Roberts, a 33o Freemason, claimed to have seen a 900-foot-tall Jesus commanding him to build the City of Faith Medical and Research Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was told it would be a success. It closed 8 years later. Roberts was commissioned in another vision to find a cure for cancer, which he never did. These scams were financed by TV viewers.

Contributions were also used to purchase a Beverly Hills property for Oral’s west coast office and house, as well as Country Club memberships for the whole family. Later, in 1987, as donations began dropping off, he pleaded with his TV supporters that unless he raised $8 million, God would "call him home." His faithful sent him $9 million. As the City of Faith continued loosing money and did close, Roberts continued sporting his Italian silk suits, diamond rings and gold bracelets, though they “were airbrushed out by his staff on publicity pictures." He was eventually forced to sell his Palm Springs and Beverly Hills homes, and three of his Mercedes.16

Richard Roberts -- Oral’s son, Richard, took over the reigns of power after his father’s death, and like his father, misused assets. In one

instance, Richard ordered the Oral Roberts University to assist Republican Randi Millera female wrestlerin her bid for Tulsa mayor,

which was illegal under the University’s 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Richard’s combined earnings in 2010 were $250,000 from Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, $123,650 from affiliated organizations

and over $200,000 from Oral Roberts University. Wife Linda, Executive Vice-President, earned over $78,000 plus $125,300 from other

affiliates. Both incomes totaled $777,000 (an interesting number). In one Chico's store in a single year, Linda spent more than $39,000,

while maintaining accounts in Texas and California. She also acquired a red Mercedes convertible and a white Lexus SUV from faithful

donors. Linda’s cell-phone bills reportedly exceeded $800 per month, mainly from hundreds of text messages to young boys late at

night. (Free cell-phones were given to the boys at University expense.)

Over a 14-year period, the Roberts' home was remodeled 11 times.17

Kenneth Copeland -- Also a 33o Freemason, Copeland is widely touted as America’s foremost "prosperity preacher." The title fits well:

Copeland has acquired as many as four private jets from lavish donors, each valued from $3.6 to $20 million, and are usually parked

next door at Copeland's private airport. One plane was denied a tax exemption in 2008 after Copeland refused to submit to disclosure

laws for the state of Texas. He was accused of using another plane in 2007 for friends and personal vacations.18 Several Rolls Royces  

have also been shuffled about by the organization. Ministry watchdog, Trinity Foundation, which investigates misuse of ministry

resources, found that several of Copeland’s "non-profit" resources were shifted into "for profit" companies involving cattle, horses,

aviation, real estate, gas and oil. The Copelands live in an 18,000 sq. ft. lake-front mansion.19

     (Interesting side note: Arch-conservative and former Fox News commentator, Mike Huckabee, appeared frequently on

Copeland’s 'Believer's Voice of Victory' in 2007. The year following, Huckabee’s cash-strapped Presidential campaign rented a

Copeland facility for a fundraiser, which was conveniently scheduled during a national ministers gathering. A collection plate was

passed that raised $111,000 for Huckabee, including a pledge for an additional $1 million. A Copeland spokesman denied

the offering amounted to a religious endorsement because Huckabee’s campaign paid for the use of the facility.)

Trinity Broadcasting -- A lawsuit filed against Trinity Broadcasting claimed that directors Paul Crouch, another Freemason, now

deceased, and wife Jan helped themselves to over $50 million in charitable assets for their personal use. Crouch's granddaughter, who

served as Chief Financial Officer, Director of Finance, Corporate Treasurer and Director of Human Resources, filed the suit and was

summarily fired. According to 'Church and Ministries' (2/13/12), the Crouches owned multiple mansions on the East and West coasts, a

$50 million jet and a $100,000 mobile home "just for the dogs” (Mail Online, 3/23/12).

Pat Robertson -- In 2003, Robertson used his tax-exempt, humanitarian 'Operation Blessing' airplanes to move diamond-mining

equipment to Liberian mines, while telling his 700 Club TV audience that the planes were shipping relief supplies to Rwanda's genocide victims.20 Robertson also mined gold in Liberia,21 which was governed by mass murderer, Charles Taylor, who Robertson repeatedly championed on the 700 Club. During Taylor's 2012 war crimes trial in The Hague, he confessed that his principal ally in the United States was Pat Robertson.

Joyce Meyer -- Meyer purports to be a Christian author and teacher, and like the others, has been lavishly compensated by magnificent donors. She and her husband own a $10 million corporate jet, a $107,000 silver-gray Mercedes, a $2 million home, other houses worth $2 million and a $20 million headquarters furnished with a $23,000 marble-topped washstand, all provided by happy donors. Meyer’s annual salary was $900,000 before it was reduced because of adverse publicity, and Meyer's husband receives an annual salary of $450,000. Family assets listed in 2003 totaled $45 million (including a Porto Cima lakefront home, a Crownline boat, a corporate jet, a Mercedes and a $2 million house for the children). source

Note: The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, an accreditation agency for the promotion of "fiscal integrity"

and "sound financial practices" for religious non-profits, reported in March 2009 that Joyce Meyer Ministries and Oral Roberts University had met the call for "responsible stewardship, which involves ministries' financial accountability, transparency,

board government and fund raising practices." 27

        "Silver or gold have I none.'" - Apostle Peter (Acts 3:6)


     Zionism—war-making for Israel—is another sacred cow of the Religious Right, a

dangerous end-time belief embraced by the majority of American evangelicals. Zionists

falsely claims that modern Israel is the fulfillment of various Old Testament land promises,

a claim debunked by the fact that the Hebrew genealogies were destroyed by the

Romans in 70 AD, rendering any Jewish claim to modern Palestine impossible.  source

     (Curious side note: A strange form of quasi-Zionism has emerged of late, embraced

by a number of non-believers who believe they're saved and going to heaven too

because they live in a "Christian nation" that supports Israel. This writer is personally

acquainted with a few who believe this. Several conservative talking heads, e.g., Glenn

Beck and Sean Hannity, also seem to support this view.)

     Zionism is a significant part of the NWO and contains all the religious muscle

needed to bring about a global, thermo-nuclear war. In a book written by the

aforementioned Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation, he describes a scenario that

might arise from such end-time fanaticism.

"It is, therefore, not an exaggeration to say that is the city of New York were suddenly replaced by a ball of fire, some significant  

percentage of the American population would see a silver lining in the subsequent mushroom cloud, as it would suggest to them that the best thing that is ever going to happen was about to happen: the return of Christ.” 23

     Is it possible that people of faith would opt for such an inferno between the Christian West and, say, the Muslim East, to hasten the return of Christ? From some of the things your author has heard of late, I believe they would. This is very similar to the long-feared, apocalyptic clash between "Christian America" and Atheist Russia during the cold war, egged on continually by war-hawking TV preachers right up to the time of the Soviet Union's collapse (which proves they were wrong).      

     Remember, the majority of believers support our Middle Eastern wars mainly for religious reasons, e.g., the rise of Islam, good vs. evil (we're always the good guys), the return of Israel to Palestine, Manifest Destiny etc. Yet, it matters little to most church-goers enflamed by TV celebrities taking their cue from Israel's Likud Party, that millions of men, women and children—every one made in God’s Image—would be instantly incinerated in such a needless, mindless conflagration.

     Today, Israel is armed to the teeth with as many as 400 nuclear weapons, and has solemnly warned the world that she will not hesitate to use them if she must. Even the dreaded "option of last resort"—The Samson Option—has not been taken off the table. The Samson Option takes its name from the Old Testament Judge, Samson, who sacrificed himself for the Hebrews by pushing apart the pillars of a massive pagan temple, bringing it down on himself and the pagans.

     During the 2003 Al-Aqsa Intifada, when Martin van Creveld (Israeli Professor of Military History) feared Israel's survival was seriously imperiled, sternly warned the world:

"We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that will happen before Israel goes under." 24

     (Israel, not Islam, is the ultimate suicide bomber.)

     Should such a holocaust ever take place, millions of innocent Middle Easterners (Israeli and Muslim alike) would be reduced to ashes immediately. But, says Harris, according to American Zionists and the religious right, "the best thing that is ever going to happen is about to happen."

        But perhaps God doesn't look at Arab Muslims—the ‘sons of Ismael’ (Gen. 16:15)—the same way most Americans do. In the Old Testament, God sent the prophet Jonah to warn the people of Nineveh (the capital of ancient Assyria, present-day Iraq) that unless they repented and turned from their wicked ways, "in forty days” (Jonah 3:4) God would overthrow their city. The people of Nineveh took heed and repented in dust and sackcloth. God thus stayed their destruction, much to the chagrin of Jonah, who wanted the city destroyed (Nineveh was Israel’s feared and hated enemy). God, however, admonished Jonah: ”Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 people who do not know their right hand from their left (the children?), and also many animals” (Jonah 4:11)? How thought-provoking that God would show such compassion to a pagan nation that in a hundred years would lay siege to Jonah's homeland, Israel, destroy it and take captive its people, most of whom would never return again (2 Kings 17). But that's precisely what happened! Unlike Nineveh, Israel refused to turn from her wickedness (idolatry, male & female prostitution, child sacrifice etc) as her prophets had warned. source  A hundred years following, Assyria was overthrown by the

Babylonians for the same sins. source The "Great City" of Nineveh disappeared into the dust bin of history never to be seen again.                                                                                                                                                                         

                                                                                            Christians should be very cautious of their support for our Middle Eastern

                                                                                     wars. Perhaps the day is coming when God will redeem many of those

                                                                                     fanatical Muslims, possibly through Christian missionaries (but hopefully, no

                                                                                     corrupt US state-sanctioned missionaries). source For “who hath known the

                                                                                     mind of the Lord” (I Cor. 2:16)?

                                                                                            The story of Jonah should serve as a warning to America. If we fail to turn

                                                                                     from our wicked ways (the killing of the unborn, the legalization of homosexual

                                                                                     marriage & adoptions, overthrowing weaker nations that mean us no harm etc),

                                                                                     God may someday wipe us out; for “there is no respect of persons with God”

                                                                                     (Rom. 2:11).

                                                                                           Religious millenarians seeking the overthrow of Middle East nations for

                                                                                     Israel's sake must be warned that should their end-time fantasy not turn out as

                                                                                     they had hoped, quite a surprise may await them when Jesus Christ does

                                                                                     appear—not as King of Israel, but Judge of Heaven and earth—and instead of a

                                                                                     thousand-year reign commencing, the Day of Judgment begins.

Part II



2 Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, Monticello, 28 May 1816  

3 Wikipedia


5 Durant, THE REFORMATION; Simon and Schuster, 1957

6 Gregory, THE REFORMATION: MORE THAN MARTIN LUTHER; The Teaching Company, Great Courses Catalog, (March, 2008), p. 34.

7 I Peter 2:9

8 Romans 13:1ff

9 1 Timothy 2:1-3 

10 Romans 13:1-7

11 Acts 5:29


13 MSNBC, THE “AIRLIFT OF EVIL” Why did we let Pakistan pull ‘volunteers’ out of Kunduz?

14 National Taxpayer Union, Obama's Bailouts For All A Recipe For Disaster:

15 Hooper, THE RISE OF THE NEW ATHEISTS; CNN, (03-16-2010)

16 Wikipedia entry, ORAL ROBERTS

17 Daylight Atheism, ARMOR OF GOD

18 Ibid

19 Wikipedia entry, KENNETH COPLAND

20 Prosecutor: Pat Robertson Had Gold Deal with African Dictator

21 Wikipedia entry, PAT ROBERTSON

22 Wikipedia entry, JOYCE MEYER

23 Harris, LETTER TO A CHRISTIAN NATION; Note to the Reader, p. xii


Defending Christianity

Ancient Assyria

(Artist's conception)

Jerusalem Zionist Conference, 1960